Is this cage OK?

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This cage looks great as long as you replace the plastic shelves and watch because some very determined chinnies will chew their way through the plastic base. (I use plastic bases and have never had a problem)
Nothing wrong with some extra (potentially random) information, so ill indulge you lol. This is actually a remake of the their former version. The former one was more rectangle then the square shaped one they have now. Which isn't a bad idea actually.

Now i do have two of those cages (former design but all the material is still the same.) The cage pieces are pretty sturdy, but if you apply some pressure you can bend them. And their impossible to get back perfectly straight if you do.

The metal/material used to make the bars is slightly softer then the metal/material in say the FN cage bars. Which is the reason why it can bend with enough pressure. FYI: These were designed originally as ferret cages.

Over all tho, they are decent cages. Iv used two cages for my ferrets, for around 5-10 years. And their still going strong. I even used extra cage pieces to block off exits when i let my chins out to play.

If you decide to get one, i would only advise two things. One, obviously, replace the plastic pieces. And two, you might wanna order a few extra cage connector pieces. They switched form a flexible plastic to a hard plastic kind. So if you take them off or move them often, their bound to snap.

And for $80, it ain't bad. They used to be $200~
My chins used to be in those cage, now the cages are used as spare cages.
Pros: great starter cage, good height for jumping, and wonderful for the chins to climb.
Cons: Bars don't hold ledges properly, bars are pretty flimsy, lava ledges can get loose or fall off (washer needs to be bigger for the bars), wood shelves would work ok even if with the flimsy bars (just make sure you have big washers for it) Chins can escape once they figure out how to kick the door open (look at the latch carefully, the cage has 2 types of lock, a single lock and a double lock. Get the double lock one). I used it for a year for my boys and now they are in FN cage.
I'd be worried about the plastic as chinnies seem to bite EVERYTHING nd plastic is bad for them. Once, my chinnie found plastic in his cage and his droppings looked stiicky lyk toffy. Not good...
heh. I forgot about that. Its true tho. Once my one ferret learned how to open that door, she never stoped. You can fold it behind the bar right above it tho. They wont be able to get it open if you do that.

Depends on which latch the cage has. I have 2 of the exact same cage, however on one of them there is a bar that goes through it so unable to do a 2nd lock on it. So you have to really look at the latch to see if you can do a single or a double latch. Not the greatest thing to do coming home and chasing chinchillas for an hour after they figure out how to open the latch :impatient: I also agree with godofgods post on the easily bent bars. I do want to add that the bars can snap and break!
If you want pictures of the latches just let me know, I can dig out their old cages and snap a shot for you.
Also look at craigs list and see if you can get this cage used, I see a lot of people selling this cage for $50-$60 easily.
Also should you decide to go with only ledges vs wooden shelve, please please please make sure there is either a hammock in the middle or something 1/2 way to break a fall in case your chin slips on the top and fall. It's a long drop from the top for a chin.
Please don't let my post discourage you, it's a good cage, but there are cons to it.
I have it and it's alright, but fairly flimsy. You can really put anything on the front panel where the doors are because the wires aren't sturdy at all. I'd put wooden ledges in that span the length of the cage and maybe then it would be sturdier. Once you take the plastic ledges out, it tends not to be as sturdy.
My dad said he'll build me a a cage just like the QC Chinchilla Mansion. Over 300 bucks with shipping just seemed nuts, when he was a carpenter for 40 years. That one is14 gauge steel wire, steel top and bottom, steel door and latch, and pine shelves. Is there anything else he should know before he gets started?