Is this a good price for a chin?

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Oct 6, 2014
Cleveland, UK
I've found a breeder that breeds and sells ebony chins. The greyish-ebony ones (they aren't standard apparently some sort of ebony) are £40 ($64) and the black ebony ones are £60 ($90). Is that a "normal" price? I know some people who have bought chins from there and said shes a good breeder.
That seems low to me but I'm not sure. All the breeders I've seen tend to sell for $100+ depending on the mutation. My mosaic was $150 and my other one was from Petco but I'm not entirely sure how much my brother paid for him then.

Just make sure you ask a lot of questions to make sure they're not a byb or anything. You'll want to purchase from someone who knows what they are doing. :]
Definitely. Most pet shops near me sell them for £100 ($161) and it seems that breeders (with quality Chins) are cheaper than pet shops hopefully preventing pet shops from selling them!