Is This A Bad Size Cage? They Keep Falling. Please Help!

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
I built my 2 boys a cage thats 36" W x 30" D x 48" H. I thought is was a nice roomy cage for them, but I am wondering if I made a mistake. For some reason they fall to the bottom of the cage pretty often. They like to be on the top so they usually fall from the top to the bottom. The shelves are 8" wide, so Im not sure whats going on. I have a bunch of leap ledges in there too. I am very worried they are going to break their legs, back, or neck. I dont know what they are doing, or if they are just clumsy. Its like they think they can fly or something. I know they are used to being in a much smaller cage, so I dont know if they think they can just leap to the bottom like they did with their other cage.

I made a large hammock and put it in the middle so if they fall it will catch them, but Im afraid they are going to chew the fleece and end up falling to the floor from the hammock. Does anyone know what I can do, or what might be wrong with how I have the shelves etc? Is this cage too wide for chinchillas? I am very worried about their safety, and wonder if they need a different cage.

Here is the cage with the hammock I put up.


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How long have they had the cage? I believe chins go by memory and if they aren't quite used to where they can jump and where they can't, you will run into this problem. I see you've put a large hammock across the middle which looks good to catch them and prevent this from happening to them. Chins are hoppers and jumpers and get quite good at it. I think no matter what they prefer to be high so they can oversee their domain. Keep the hammock in there and keep an eye on them and see if they start to chew it. I think you did a good job with your cage--it's look very roomy for them.
How long have they had the cage? I believe chins go by memory and if they aren't quite used to where they can jump and where they can't, you will run into this problem. I see you've put a large hammock across the middle which looks good to catch them and prevent this from happening to them. Chins are hoppers and jumpers and get quite good at it. I think no matter what they prefer to be high so they can oversee their domain. Keep the hammock in there and keep an eye on them and see if they start to chew it. I think you did a good job with your cage--it's look very roomy for them.

They have been in this new cage for almost 2 weeks now. I got the boys 17 days ago. They were in a cage that was 30" W x 18" D x 29" H. I think they were in that small cage for at least 3 years (basically their whole life). I thought I was giving them a nice home by making a big cage for them, but I dont want them to get hurt.
I really all they need is to get used to the cage--it's a great cage, very nice and roomy for them. Keep the hammock in the middle to prevent them from falling down though--lots of people who have tall cages have a bridge running across for just this reason.

I'm sure the boys will get used to their new digs in no time
I really all they need is to get used to the cage--it's a great cage, very nice and roomy for them. Keep the hammock in the middle to prevent them from falling down though--lots of people who have tall cages have a bridge running across for just this reason.

I'm sure the boys will get used to their new digs in no time

Is there someting better then a hammock I can use? Do you know of a bridge I can buy? Im not sure where to get them.

a few memebers sell bridges, search the classifieds.

you could also add another longer shelf to the front area or a nice long fleece covered tube??? running the whole front, under the hammock.
It looks like a great cage- you've done a good job! If you're really worried about their clumsiness, you could always add a few more wooden shelves or ledges. Even one or two might do the trick. You should position them so that they're the length of the chins' body apart in height, or a little more, if that makes sense? If there's always a 'next' place to jump, they might not fall as much.

I do agree about the memory thing though. When I rearrange my chinnie playroom, one of my boys will go plowing straight into things in bright daylight at full tilt. It's a little funny.
My thoughts about your cage

I have a very similar cage for one chin. My chins (other chins) don't use hammocks at all, but love to use fleece hunging hideouts and tubes. So, I got no hammock anymore in any of my cages. With the cage that looks like yours, I have more wooden shleves, though. It has a same kind of wheel. one fleece hideout, and wooden hideout on the bottom. No hammock. Yeah. I personally think that this cage is for ONE or at most TWO chins. I keep only one because he is a loner/alpha male that doesn't get along with anybody. The breeder who sold this cage to me said he was keeping 6 chins in a similar cage of similar size.
i have a group of five boys and another group of five girls. The cages for them are huuuuuge. tall, and on top of that, I got another big cages stuck to each of them. So, they are like huge two bedroom mantions. haha. :bump1:
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That cage looks great! Just keep an eye on them. The hammock is a wonderful idea, and you can buy bridges from members on here in the classifieds section. You can also get them at QMC, Camphor Chins, and I know there are others who sell them that I've forgotten. I really like the squiggle bridges that Camphor Chins sell, but I haven't gotten around to buying them yet.
I don't think you should remove the large hammock. As a few people have mentioned its wider than putting in a bridge. Even if you added more ledges and removed the hammock, it would still leave the middle open and that's a pretty high fall. Your cage looks great.
If you're still worried I'd suggest putting a full length shelf on the back and another on the left (either or both...whatever). I have a hammock in my cage that's at the same position too and it works great. Well, Chloe's never fallen off and had to use it as a safety net but I think it would work better than a bridge because it will absorb more of the impact (landing on stretchy fleece rather than wood) if the fall's from a far hieght. Also may be you can put lips on sides of certain shelves. Like if you have a shelf that they can only jump off onto another shelf on one side of it, put a lip halfway across the long side and put one on the short side. OK, I'm pretty sure that did not make sense but I tried...Honestly, I'd watch them and give them a little time but there's no harm in putting an extra shelf or two in strategic places and if it's easy enough for you then I'd do it if it'll make you feel better.
You can get a pan with a cut out and install it in the middle of the cage. My chins love this setup!
You can get a pan with a cut out and install it in the middle of the cage. My chins love this setup!

Do you have a picture of the pan with a cut out? I would love to see how it looks.

I love how you set up your cage. How do I do that with the pan? What kind of pan is it? Oh, where did you get those neat branches? I have been looking for some nice ones like yours.
Thanks :))

Quality cage custom made the pan with a cut out for me. I think they make pans only for their cages, but I'm not sure (you can contact them and ask).

Bass company can make custom pans with a cut out too, their design is slightly different, but you can send a picture of what you have in mind. Don't forget to mention your wire spacing and that they should make holes for bolts and include hardware.

The thread about apple perches
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