Is there any way to confirm if my chin is neutered?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012

So before I got my chins, the rescue center I got it from said the male had been neutered even before they were introduced.

I was just wondering if there is any way to confirm this? I'm taking them to the vet for a general check up next week, to make sure everything is well and to get acquainted with the veterinary, so I thought it would be a good time to confirm he's neutered.

I read all the horror stories, and I don't want to risk a baby, no matter how adorable.
An experienced breeder should be able to palpate and see if the testicles are still there. Do you have any nearby who can help you out? (I mean like a rancher.)
I just took my chin to the vet for the first time and he showed me how to feel for his "boy stuff"... I was surprised at how large they are - very easy to feel.
O.K., thanks! I'm planning on taking them to the vet on Monday, just to make sure they're all fine.

I will ask the vet to confirm it there.
Vet confirmed: he's neutered!

No babies from Pika.
