Is there a site or someone who knows what kind of chins you have?

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
West Virginia
I never knew there were so many kinds of chins until coming to this site. I have no clue what kind mine do ya find out?
I know they come in different colors but thats all i know.
You can also post a picture here. There are many members who can let you know what mutation you have.
The parents are standard gray and mosaic. The kit looks to be a standard to me, but it's hard to tell from the pictures you posted in the other thread.
On my white one the female she has pink ears..dark eyes n little tan/dark markings on tail..does this mean she is a cross between a white mosiac and a pink white?
She is a plain white. She has grey ears - the rims are grey, just the centers are pink which can happen in whites, even without beige. She is not a pink white, does not have any beige in her at all.
I also have colors on my site.

I disagree with some of the information on the first site linked, I don't know if maybe it's outdated or hasn't been updates possibly? has a list... but I don't think they have photos do they?