Is the FN 142 Appropriate for a Young Chin?

  • Thread starter Magenta_Stardust
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hi everyone,

I am new and this is my first post. This community has been such a wealth of information, and I am very thankful to all of you for that. Now on to why I am posting.

I do not currently own a chinchilla but am preparing myself and my home for adopting one. I am almost ready to buy a cage; it's between the 2 door chinchilla Mansion from Quality Cage or the Ferret Nation 142 (modified for a chin). Right now, I am leaning more towards the Ferret Nation 142 cage due to all of the great reviews that I have read on here, but I have one major concern; would the FN 142 be appropriate for a young chinchilla? Has anyone had any experiences of young chins escaping from this cage? I just want to make sure that I make the right cage choice for my new chin.

Thanks for all your help.

How young is the chin you plan on getting?
If it is very young to the point of being able to squeeze through the cage bars, you can line the cage sides with 1/2 x 1/2" chicken wire from the outside until he's big enough not to get out.
I had my 8 week old chins in it the day I brought them home 4 years ago. They were in the low 300s for weight. No issues here :)).