is my chin frightened?

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Jun 13, 2011
well i have my chinchilla for about 3 months already... she seems to be doing fine but i have a few questions

1) everyday my mother and i make a lot of noise at night so i was wondering if my chin would feel frightened

2)my chin cannot seem to bond with me for some reason. i tried talking to her everyday and singing to her also but everytime when i approach her cage, she stays in her house and does not want to come out no matter how hard i try so what should i do?
To bond with your chin, you might just have to spend a little more time with her. When you do give treats (this should not be very often), do you encourage her to eat out of your hand? Do you let her come around to you so she can get used to your smell? It was honestly about six months before I was able to scratch my little boy so it might just take a bit of patience. I wouldn't think that noise would be a problem at night unless you were setting off fireworks next to her cage (talking, television should not be a problem at all). Good luck!
noises can frighten them but they can also get used to them. I would suggest avoiding sudden loud noises if possible tho.

I wouldnt be to conserned about your chins bonding at this stage. So far iv had three kits, and at a young age they all been skiddish as ****. My last two are 4 months old now, and are jsut starting to show signs of bonding. Once in a while theyll actuly come up and let me pet em, or be courious to my finger in the cage. But they still panic and keep distence a lot of the times as well. Just keep doing the traditional bonding actions.
Thanks for the advice:) recently my chin has been acting all wierd like when i spend time with her, she will always want to run away from me and i have to try to get her to come to me... but that time, she will be a good girl and stay on my lap and not try to run away so i was wondering whats the problem... any advice?
chins are not 'lap pets' and are not likely at all to sit still for more than 2.5 seconds when out of their cage. i wouldn't expect your chin to sit with you for any amount of time.

i've had Rhino since the end of February and we are just now getting to the point where he gives me the 'scritchy face' and allows me to pet him on a consistent basis. i still have a hard time catching him when he's out for playtime, but once caught he's starting to become a cuddly lil guy, allowing all sorts of snorgles by me, lol.

it will take time, and a household that has a lot of sudden loud noises will make a chin nervous until they get used to them. spend more time with her, hand feed her pieces of hay (that way you don't end up feeding too many treats), and just take it slow.