Is Maple Safe for Chins?

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Active member
Feb 1, 2011
Can chins have Maple wood? Last summer we had to take a few big branches off of a maple tree and it would be perfect for climbing on for a chin! :) It wasn't on the unsafe list or safe list so I thought I'd ask.

Thanks! :D
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In general, if it is safe for birds it's safe for chins. Maple is listed on some safe lists but under the condition to remove the bark. Since most chins just chew the bark on sticks, there really wouldn't be a point. Regardless, I still would not give it.

Taken from a bird site:
Maple Originally, this page only listed two maple trees: vine maple as safe, and red maple as potentially harmful. I've included "maple" in the safe list now, but with this condition: remove the bark. It may not be absolutely neccessary, but its the only way that I'll suggest most of that tree genus. From what I've read, the bark of many maple trees, like vine maple or Japanese maple, etc., is fine. Meaning, the bark in itself is not deemed a problem. But red maple (Acer rubrum) can harbor a fungus. Inhalation of exuded residue may be harmful. Maple wood - in general - should be safe for natural wood bird perches once bark is removed. One source wrote that "red maple" is bad for horses, not really specifying why. Currently, I'd use almost any maple branch for a bird toy or perch..
Nope. I wish though, I have a maple out back just begging to be chopped down. LOL