Is it too late for my chinchillas?

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Jun 7, 2011
I've had my chins for a year and I probably haven't spent as much time with them as I should. They aren't necessarily antisocial but I wish they were more social. They're only a year old, so if I spend more time with them will they become more social or is it too late for them?
It's not too late! Chins live a long time and have good long term memories so you have a lots of time to build bonds with them. Start off by just spending more time with them. The more time you spend with them, the greater chance they will become fond of you and see you as part of their herd.

Good luck!
I've had some hard core rescues come here, 7 and up, who have been just fine with time, patience, and handling. Not all chins are going to want to be handled, that's something you need to remember, and just because they don't, it doesn't mean they are antisocial or don't want you around. That's just their personality.
I have 2 chins and they both have different personality. One can tolerate me holding her for a while. The other one goes wild, wanting to be free. I only hold one but mostly let them free. When Im drying out their cage out in sun I spend time with them and lay down on the floor, somtimes I pretend to be asleep. And they climb all over me including my head.. I do this also during their play time.

I think the more you spend with during play time they will warm up to you.
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My girls have only been with me for a little over 4 months now and I adopted them both at 5 years old. They were very standoffish at first, but the more time I spend with them, the more social they get. They still aren't fond of being picked up, but they allow me to pet them and they run over to the front of the cage for attention. I just keep plugging away at it, hoping that one day they'll actually allow me to pick them up without freaking :)
Daina don't get discourage. Most chinchillas don't like to be handled. That just how chinnies are. But they can be social in other ways and make you laugh/ aww at times. If they are getting friendlier that's good. My kids and I always like everything my chins do or how they sleep. I have tons of pictures LOL As for my husband he thinks otherwise, he likes animals that like to sit on his lap. So chins are not for everyone. Everyone have their personal taste.
Oh do I ever I know how they do other things! My Cissy knows, "gimme a kiss," and she'll stick her nose out so I can kiss the top of it. Of course, she usually gets a cheerio when she agrees, but in my mind, she does it because she wants a kiss, lol. Bella will do it on occassion too, but she's very much her own little being. She only does it when she feels like it, whether or not cherrios are offered. Bella also only wants to be scritched on her own terms. If she's not in the mood, she will literally push your hand away! (I never knew how strong the little buggers are!) And they let you know when they require you to pay attention to them. Just the other night, I got up to put a dvd in and Cissy ran over and stuck her little nose out of the cage for attention. I have had them inadvertantly land in my lap from time to time when I sit in front of the open cage, but they don't stick around long. They will occassionally crawl on my hands and arms, but the second I go to pick them up, they're off like a shot! They're funny little creatures. Oh well, at least I have a couple of lap dogs! ;)
similar to what tunes said, i too took in a chin 5+ years old (precise age unknown). He was so stressed out he would freak if you even stepped near his cage. It took some time but he got used to me and the environment. While he still doesn't like to be held, he is now the most friendliest and loving chin i have. (i have 5). So its definitely not to late. Just takes commitment and time.
I have also had some hard core nasty chins that were physically abused, it took a few years of being loved and they came around.
I personally don't think it is ever too late for any animal. It is amazing what a lot of time and patience can do and the more time you spend with your chins, the more they can learn to bond with you.