'No they're not bunnies'
Is it possible for a chin to chew through the metal bars of a Ferret Nation cage? I know it sounds kind of dumb, but my chins chew EVERYTHING! One of my girls in particular, chews on the bars of her cage CONSTANTLY! She'll chew a good 30 minutes straight if I allow her too. I usually tap the side of the cage and she'll stop, but eventually goes back at it. I've tried different wood, chews, toys, etc. There is ALWAYS a large variety of chews and a pile of hay in the cage at all times. I also have a hanging wood toy and a wood hidey hut in the cage. I'm really worried she might actually chew through the cage if she continues to chew like that in the same spot, or even chip a tooth! No matter how many toys she has or how much I let her out for playtime, she still chews!