Is it possible...

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
Is it possible for a chin to chew through the metal bars of a Ferret Nation cage? I know it sounds kind of dumb, but my chins chew EVERYTHING! One of my girls in particular, chews on the bars of her cage CONSTANTLY! She'll chew a good 30 minutes straight if I allow her too. I usually tap the side of the cage and she'll stop, but eventually goes back at it. I've tried different wood, chews, toys, etc. There is ALWAYS a large variety of chews and a pile of hay in the cage at all times. I also have a hanging wood toy and a wood hidey hut in the cage. I'm really worried she might actually chew through the cage if she continues to chew like that in the same spot, or even chip a tooth! No matter how many toys she has or how much I let her out for playtime, she still chews!
I dont have a fn cage so i dont know what there like. I know one of my chins have chewed through 1/4" aluminium bar in one night! Now all my toys hang on chain to stop them getting hold of one spot and nibble away.
My girl does the same thing, I've posted something about this before no one mention them chewing through the bars. I blow in my girls face when she does it and she hates when I do that. I believe its just something female chinchillas like to do. Maybe try to cover that area with fleece, or wood or twigs?
I don't think this is a dumb question. I have chins who also chew on the cage bars as well as nibbling on their metal wheels. I have had my FN's for over 4 years and so far now one has gone through the bars and they don't look close to it yet either.