Is it common for 9-week old chinchilla to sleep a lot

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Jan 2, 2013
My chin, 9-week old that I just recently got, has been sleeping a lot, even during the evening. From the period from 5pm to 10pm (when i was at home to observe), she probably slept 85% of the that normal?
My chin is a yearish old and she sleeps that much.

ah lol ok, i was worried because all the books i've read said the chin should be most active around evening...good to know my observation isn't unique here. thanks.
She is pretty young, and still new to you - so her schedule with change as she gets older and more used to you and your schedule.
yeah my new little guy sleeps all day from around 9 or 10 am to 8/9 pm and he gives me the nastiest little look if i peek in at him to soon, but hes still cute, real cute
Some chinchillas will learn to adjust their sleep schedule according to your schedule and some will just do whatever they want. I have two 1 year olds. The female is often awake during the day and always begs for my attention. She will take naps in between but mostly sleeps between 4-8 am. On the other hand, her cage mate insists that he needs his sleep during the day and will not wake up until 6 pm (even if she steps on him or if I poke him). After that, he is active until 4 am. They are both most active at 2 am and will eat the most at that time.
You should also be aware that some chinchillas will sleep because they are bored. So you can try to bond with him or engage him in some toys or activities every time you see him awake, just to let him know that he's not totally alone. Chinchillas are very social animals, if you can't spend enough quality time with him, you should consider getting him a cage mate. You will notice a change in behavior instantly.
