Is bedding bad?

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Mar 16, 2010
Upstate New York
Ive been reading alot and im not sure but it seems like people dont really like to use bedding...
Is this just a preference or is there a reaosn behind it?
I use a super absorbent petsmart brand of bedding in the entire bottom on the cage
Bedding is fine, it depends on what the bedding is. I use fleece liners, but that is my personal choice, and I dont have many chins. So for me fleece was easier clean up, more cost effective and it looks nicer in my FN's I have.

What bedding do you use? Is it the Petco version of CareFresh? Or is it a pellet form?
I guess its petsmart version of carefresh its looks almost like soggy cardboard... Thats what it looks like to me anyway
He doesnt seem to have any problems with it..
Id like to switch to fleece but i cant get him litter trained cause i still cant find his "wee" spot... Its really absorbent so even while im changing it i cant really tell where he goes
I dont even bother with a litter pan, but that is just me. If he isnt eating the bedding you are fine. If he likes it and you like it. All is well.
We use pine bedding....lots of it. I like our chins to have a nice deep, naturally absorbant material. When we do our weekly cage cleaning, all the bedding and (fertilizer) goes right into our landscaping. I never have to buy mulch again this way. ;)
So our choice serves multiple purposes.
I used carefresh a long time ago with my first chin, but switched to pine or aspen bedding because it is a whole lot cheaper. I have also used fleece with and without a litter pan, both ways were fine.
I use pine here. I tried the liners and found myself changing them daily. It was way more work and had the chinchilla room smelling
Im good with my bedding until i can litter train him... Than maybe ill switch to fleece im gonna try the uv trick to find everywhere he pees than just put bedding in the pan and hope for the best
I used carefresh at first but pulled it when I found out it can cause impaction. Tried liners but they were too much to clean daily. So now she has a nice layer of pine. The bonus is I love the smell of it.
Yes, kd pine or aspen. Most bedding sold at petstores is KD (kiln dried) but it doesn't hurt to check and make sure.