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Jun 2, 2010
Evansville, IN
So a while back I tried introducing my chins and wasn't very successful. Since then, I had kind of given up..
I'd put them in the bathroom together and watch for how they reacted towards each other. I picked a neutral ground, but they weren't very nice. I don't know if I'm just overreacting or if they just really won't ever get along.
I've been thinking of trying again because I really wish they'd get along. I'm scared of what they'll do to each other and so I barely give them a chance. I freak out too easily, hahah. oops, I just love them too much for anything to happen to either one of them!

They're both girls, Charlee is about three and Donut is about 7. Donut only has three legs (she was a rescue) and Charlee is full of energy and is constantly jumping around! When one is out for play time the other gets as close to the other one as her cage allows and chews on the wires like she wants out, I can't tell if its a good thing or bad thing. If I let Donut out for play time where I let Charlee out, she sniffs all around it picking up all of Charlee's scent and sometime chews on Charlee's poop a little and then spits it out.
When I used to let them out together they got in a few little fights and I don't know if they were normal or bad. Once Charlee got bit on the back by Donut, but it didnt break the skin or anything. I think she was just trying to show her dominance.

I just wish they could get along and be in the same cage! I dream of the day they sleep together, snuggling, like I see my cousin's do. I just fear that they're too different!
What should I do?
When I did my introduction, I trimmed whiskers, dabbed vanilla on their noses, and then smooshed them 4 times. My chins got along fine after that. I have also heard of the car ride technique, but haven't tried that myself.
How are they at the moment?
We tried the whole "free play time" with our girls and I have to admit that it terrified me beyond belief. Sasha (our first female) was openly agressive and kept trying to pull out Morsels fur. About a week ago we decided that free play was a bad idea for our girls and put their cages side by side to let them get use to each others scent. Then we started smooshing them in a box that petstores send rodents home in and recive crickets in (the ones with the mesh holes and cardboard). At first it seemed like the fighting would never stop, but after their third smooshing this morning the girls finally seem to have given up and are getting along fabulously so far.

Edit: Just for note the second we put them in the smoosh box the first time they calmed right down and did not even try fighting (in the box at least). So I was not as worried about them tearing into one another.
Good job! I'm glad your intro went well. Is Sasha still sullen?
I did the freetime first thing in the intro, ended up a disaster as well. Fur was flying everywhere. The aggressive chin not went after the new chin, but also turned against his bonded cagemate. I am so glad they all get along now.
It's been a month and the fur is still growing back :(
Ofcourse she is >.> little brat. lol.

Yea, off with the fur? Luckily I thought to keep my hand nearly hovering very very close to my two lovely brats. So we did not lose much fur. That and morsel is so darned fast! It is a bit ridiculous. Sorry your baby is still trying to grow his furs back.

On a side note what color is the chinny in the middle of the other two in your profile pic?
Hope Sasha feels perky soon!

He's a mosaic. Grey head with white body. He was the baby that I introduced to the other two. The black velvet one on the right went crazy at the first meeting.