Is Misty being aggressive? They are both males, correct? If there is any sign of true aggression, intros might just be a no go. If it is just a bunch of humping, that's normal. Maybe try smooshing in a very tiny carrier?
Misty is a girl that is 2 years old ( agressive towards him ( progressuing a little like not being as mean cause i am playing with her more) and cookie is 6 onths and a castrated male. He gets so excited everytime he sees her, and I feel bad cause when I look at him he seems so lonly... So i am going to let her forget him for a while then try one last time. tunes said to do that. if any one has any other ideas please sheare
Sometimes its just not meant to be. Petra was three and Nyx was 4 months, and it turned out poorly. Sometimes its just a no go. Nyx did seem lonely so I found her Pia... Babies are so easy and sweet....
GOOD NEWS ACTUALLY!!!!!!!!!!! LAst night, I left the seperater an inch or 2 open so they could sniff noses. And Cookie came up to tryh top get to her cage, and she raced over and started grooming him, and now everytime he comes to the divider she has an obsession of groomong him So now I truly believe that she likes him Ill keep everyone updated on how things go