Introduction help?

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New member
Jan 9, 2016
Hi everyone, this is going to be like my official introduction in a way. I'm a new chin owner, and I have fallen in love with chinchillas and how unique and intelligent they are.

I have had my chin Maromi for almost 5 months now, and he's nearly 8 months old :). I just got him a new chin friend this past Saturday from Mt. Zion chinchillas, my fiance wanted another 4 legged baby he could get to know/bond with his chinchilla(because he wants a bond like mmine and maromi's)

I wanted to poke everyone's brains about your most favorable method/steps to introducing an 8 month old (male) to a 3 month old (male). Any help is appreciated, and I'm genuinely sorry if this is in the wrong section. I've been snooping the form for months and I'm still not sure where to find every single sub section Lol.Thanks
There is a few methods. First youll always need a second cage, or a cage that can be split into two. Even bonded chins could turn on each other. Even after theyve been together for 10 years. So just in case it happened to yours you would want to be able to separate them immiditaly.

If you got another chin, you would want to keep him in a separate cage in a separate room for at least 30 days under quarantine. Chins are good at hiding illnesses. You want to make sure they do not have any before even letting them in the same room.

This time will also be used for them to adjust to a new home. Chins stress easily and suddenly being taken to a new home and new chin could put them overboard. So youll want to wait until they are fully adjusted to the new place and you as well. Only after that would you rly want to put them in the same room.

Then you could being intro's

Like i said, there are a few methods. For mine i took it rly slow. I was also new to chins at the time. I had them in separate cages on separate sides of the room for a month or so. Then moved em to the same side of the room for a month. Then placed the cages near each other for a month. (you still want to leave 6" or so in between cages other wise they could hurt each other through the bars.)

Then i eventually let them out together. But i took a very very slow approach. But for these two chins, it worked. They got along great form the first time they touched noses.