So I have had my new chin Adaira since July and have had my other chin for almost 7-8 years before her. Because of the incredible age gap between the two I was never really pushy when it came to introductions. I've kept them in two seperate cages in the same room since after the quarentine (sp?). I have occasionally tried to let them have play time together, but I would never let them get too close, because I didn't want any injuries. Well I had recently got a FN and I wanted to see if they were compatible. So this is what I had done. I allowed them to have play time in a small area with me in it watching vigilantly. I always thought my oldest was the aggressor, but here it's the young one. My oldest would get on my shoulders to avoid her (she also just likes it up there too ^_^) and then I would chase her down. When they came in contact there was no really big fights or anything, just the occasional warning call, a kack, a test to see who was taller then Adaira would chase Hannah. I notice that Adaira had wanted to try to dominate Hannah. I'm not really sure if it's going well, although that was really the first time they had an extended period of time together. Any thoughts?