introducing the new chin...

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Dec 1, 2011
i recently bought a new chin (mishka) to accompany my first chin (cappy). mishka my female is 4 months where cappy my male is almost 4 years. So as of right now i have them in two different cages which are placed about a foot apart. I also let them out one at a time while i watch them.

cappy is not one to be held unless he is getting a treat but mishka will let you hold her so i do like to hold her which might make cappy jealous.

I have only had mishka for a few days now so i know its still early but cappy seems mad at me sometimes. Cappy will go up to mishkas cage and they will smell each others noses. all will be well for a few moments but then cappy will kind of snap at her. not enough to hurt her i dont think but enough to scare her.

I am trying to give them both treats at the same time that way one doesnt feel left out but i am not sure if i should let mishka play with cappys toys or just get her her own to limit jealousy from cappy.
I know i should feel it out and see how they get along in time and all but it would be great if i could get some advice or ideas about getting the two to get along.
Thank you!
I'm just going to lay it out there for you.

You should've done a 30 day quarantine wiht Mishka in a completely seperate room.

Second - has Cappy been neutered? These two have no business even being close together. He can breed her through the cage bars while he's out around her cage (or the other way around).

Are you intending to breed? Do you know their backgrounds? Male + female = kits. Keep them apart.
Hi and welcome!

Unfortunately, unless you are looking to breed, you can not have the two chins together. They can't bond as friends. And without the 30 day quarantine, you run the risk in passing something along to Cappy. They will never be able to play together, even with you watching them full time, because breeding can take place that fast.

Even chins who are the same sex may never get along with one another. My female chin, for example, had to be pulled from a group of chins, from her previous owner, because she did not get along with the others. My chin will always be a single chin.
Unless you get Cappy neutered they can't even get near one another or they'll breed. And unexpected kits is NOT fun, believe me. When that happened to me, one of my "cute babies" suddenly became very I'll (she prolapsed so her intestines were literally falling out of her butt) and I had to put her was the saddest thing I've ever had to do. Also your girl is only 4 months so she is too small to be breeding...if she got pregnant she could actually die from that :(

As far as the jealousy thing goes, just make sure to give them the same amount of TLC and maybe even a little extra for Cappy right now. There is a chance Cappy could have caught something from your girl though since they weren't quarantined, so look out for any changes in his behavior that could point to illness.

Don't mean to bring you down but I hope this advice helps and you can now prevent them from mating! Good luck
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