Introducing Mousey and Peanut(:<3

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Mar 25, 2012
United States
Hi. I am new my mom got me started with this. She just started as well, and claims that my chins are hers lol. I love my chins. One of my chinchilla's names is Peanut. He seem's too be alittle bit more loveable but can be a real brat at times. He'll steal food and toys off of my other chin, Mousey.:bump1: My other chin (Mousey) is more independent but, isn't as bratty as peanut. Peanut may seem sweet but he causes all the trouble.;) If anyone could, i just was wondering how u get a picture by your name i seen plently of people with it. i really want to put a picture of my chins on here. I would love to show them off because i love them and there adorable.:) Thankyou.:wink2:
Hello. :)
I know how you feel about Peanut being a brat. I only had Benny for a week now but i can tell he's going to be a spoiled brat. Like today when I was trying to clean his cage he spilled his food all over. (on purpose i might add)

to get the picture by your name you have to wait til the administrators enable it. they do that after they approve i believe 9 post.
but you can put a picture in the post by getting the url of a picture using or and clicking the add picture in the message tool bar it looks like a mountain in a yellow box.. (two buttons from the right.)

Hopes that helps.
And welcome :)


Welcome to CnH! Mousey and Peanut are adorable names, I hope to see pictures of them sometime :D

Like breemarie said, you need a certain amount of posts to be able to put a profile up, not sure how much though. Go and mingle a little bit! :D
Thankyou everyone. And mine does the same thing too haha he will start digging threw his food and spill it everywhere! It will even get all over the cage and my floor. Its hilarious! Thanks again.
Hi and welcome! I also have a Peanut, but she's the nice quiet one :) Glad you joined us.
Welcome. Steelergirlsdaughter,I hate to burst your bubble,but they are MY chinchillas! lol
You know I love you and share.,but you have to admit,I do care for them more.