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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2011
I am planning on introducing my two single girls in a few weeks but I am wondering if I can put them in a split FN until then. Cindy currently has both levels and I afraid that if I give Lilly half now, Cindy will be upset that she took half of her territory. Lilly has been in the cage her previous owner kept her in which is fairly small and a pain to clean. I've read that the cage side-by-side tactic sometimes triggers aggression. Is this the same if they are stacked?
If it were me I'd give each of them a half of the FN. That is plenty of space for each of them, but when you want to introduce them consider trying the cage within a cage method. My experiences with it have been very positive and I haven't had an introduction go badly yet doing it. Although I'm sure given enough time and tries something is bound to go wrong at some point, but regardless that is my preferred method.
I prefer cage within a cage, too. The worst thing that I have seen happen is when my normally sweet Sally decided she was going to pull out Bambie's fur the the cage wire. I wasn't very pleased with her and she did stop so no problem there. In fact, the two are buddy buddy right now.
Ok, I will definitely try that when I attempt an introduction. I am still stuck at school every day for yearbook (yes, it is summer for everyone else in the school) but will as soon as I find a day to devote to just them. Hopefully it works out. If not, I'm just going to stack them.
It sounds like your already quarantining them to make sure your new girl isn't sick (making assumptions). If you haven't quarantined yet make sure you do that first. There are lots of good threads here about introducing chins so do your research :)
Thanks. I have done a lot of research and Lilly'a qaurentine has been over for several weeks:). My biggest question with this was, if I put stack before trying an introduction, could that make Cindy more aggressive since Lilly would have "taken" half of her territory?