So I have a few options for Maia. I could keep her alone, which I hate doing because if I even smell like another chin she cries out to me. I could put her with Samber, which might work, might not, she hasn't had any access to other kits before, but she's young and through the bars seems okay with her, but is really active, more so than the others. I could put her with Stormy, whom has already adopted her through the the bars of the cage, sleeps beside her, gives her kisses, etc, Even though Stormy is eating a lot, and is as active as before, she is still on recovery. Or I could put her with Ellie, whom is healthy, not as active as Samber, and doesn't seem bothered with Maia through the cage bars, Ellie is very very fiesty. Has only gotten along with one other chin even though I've attempted other intros in the past, she's an AVID sprayer.
I have no idea which would be best for her, if you have any opinions, I'd LOVE to hear them
I have no idea which would be best for her, if you have any opinions, I'd LOVE to hear them