Inactive chin!

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Oct 31, 2015
Alright, well i got 2 recently adopted chins. I've only had them for 2 weeks. Both were very active the first day, after the initial shock and things calmed down i noticed one of them spent alot of time in one of the little houses i have. I rarely see he leave it besides to eat or drink. She'll carry toys across the cage and into her house and play with them there. If she is out, on lava ledge or eating, and i come home she'll dart to the house. The past owners said she was shy, but i didn't think this shy. The part that scares me though is lately she hasn't been running from me. If i open the cage she just freezes. Even if i touch her she just lowers her ears till i stop then sniffs my hand as i pull it away, or till her sister becomes curious and comes over. I'm thinking about calling a vet just to get her checked out. I just want to know how urgently i should make this visit. She drinks the most out of the 2, she's pooping plenty i clean out her little house twice daily because it becomes so full. And she does eat, just very slowly.
If she is eating and drinking and you know she is chewing toys and moves around when you are not around, in my experience with rescues she is being dramatic about her circumstance change, give her more time, two weeks is not a lot of time for acclimation for some chins.
She is probably just settling in and getting used to you. Chinchillas are prey animals, so they like to have places to hide. If she is eating, drinking and pooing, I would say she probably doesn't need to be stressed out by a vet visit. They will gradually get used to you and their new place and calm down a bit.
I just get a bit stressed because one of the chins is exactly how i'd expect them to be. Warry, but curious. Not mopey all the time. I bought a fence so i can give them some safe out of cage time this week.