I'm just saying...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
There is really not much I can do. I did join a newly opened forum in China and try to help people there with the information I know or the information I can find on CnH.
Chinese chins are suffering so much! I went to China this past summer and visited a few chin stores. A standard chin would go for 4000 RMB that's about $600. They look just as cute as ours in America but they are all slightly smaller.
One of the chins had 4 different colors on him, black, white, grey and a little dark brown on his face. I don't think that's possible? Maybe they dye their fur to make the chins look prettier? Just like what they do to the puppies.
There are no vets in China that are familiar to chins. If they got sick, that's the end of it!
Its recommanded to have a boy and a girl chins for a new owner.As per the girl who works at the chin store: Oh its so much fun to have babies! They only have one litter per year and you can make money!
And at the chin store, they carry a lot of wooden products, but nobody knows what kind of wood that is or if its treated.
There is no such thing called dust bath. Its all sand bath.
They do have Mazuri pellets but people like the "colorful" pellets, so Mazuri is not popular there.
Papaya, rasins are all over the place.
Chins being abandoned because they chew their fur......
On that Chinese forum I joined, there is a thread on the top saying how to pick the best chin, first thing they said is, DO NOT buy an adult chin since babies will be easier to handle and faster to get used to you.
I really wish I could do something more than just helping people on a Chinese chin forum. People need to be educated there... I feel so bad about those poor chin babies...:hair:
That sounds terrible, I guess the only good thing is the high price, you would think that if the average person is going to spend that much money on a pet that they would do proper research. Hopefully some chin knowledgable people step in and start helping out on the forums
They would do the research if there is things to research on the internet. But there is either nothing or wrong info. The vet people is not even knowledageable, they only care about money.
I am not sure how many people have access to the internet in China due to government restrictions...I think you would have to actually be there to do much about it.