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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Feb 10, 2012
I got my hedgie on December 5th. He's about a year and a half and his previous owner pretty much neglected him. When I went to the breeder it was just to see some hedgies because there wasn't any hoglets available at the time but little did i know I would fall in love with this guy and I ended up getting him that day. He's not too friendly yet unfortunately, he tries to run as soon as I pick him up but he has calmed down a bit since I've gotten him. He hate bath time and nail clipping time but he loves the treats he gets after. My dream is to be able to cuddle with him and not have him run away or have to worry about him pottying on me. That's all I can think to say now but I'm sure I've missed something.

Smile :)
Hi and welcome! It's great that your hedgie will now have a wonderful life and I'm sure he will continue to bond with you the longer you have him.