I'm annoyed

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
I would like to join Paw-talk and guinealynx but you can't join either of them if you use a free email address. I happen to go through hotmail. So, I can't join these two forums because I have a hotmail address? I don't get it. What is considered NOT a free email address? Where do I get an email address that they'll accept?
A lot of hotmail addresses are spam bots. Try using Gmail or Yahoo. I don't know of many places that turn either of them down.
non-free e-mail addresses

Just in case google or yahoo don't work: Sometimes your internet service provider will give you an e-mail address. For example, if Comcast provides your internet, you can ask them and they will give you a comcast.net e-mail address.

Good luck.