Ideas for ledges

  • Thread starter Classic Chinchillas
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Classic Chinchillas

Since the cage I'm planing on getting is a flight cage it won't have any shelves. I need ideas for ledges, I do not want pine shelves. I know of the birds on the rocks place and was thinking maybe a large corner shelf or 2 but need more. Anyone know where to find reasonably (ok cheap) priced large branches? Any other ideas for natural ledges?
What about Magnolia tree branches? Those are down here in Florida and you might be able to find them fairly easy (plus they would be free).
Do you have any? My apartment surely doesn't want me chopping down trees! I guess I could look around but then you never know if stuff was sprayed on them.
I've bought manzanita perches before on ebay. I just tried to get the thicker ones, and they've worked out great.

I can look up which seller I bought from if you'd like
Do you have any? My apartment surely doesn't want me chopping down trees! I guess I could look around but then you never know if stuff was sprayed on them.

We have quite a few Magnolia trees around here.. I just haven't snuck around yet with my handsaw to cut any branches. They don't spray them but I will double check.
Ask you apartment if they spray them and if they ask why say you were thinking about eating them, then if they say they are not sprayed cut some down at 2 in the morning :)

Im guessing if you just tell them you want a couple branchs for your chinchilla they may be fine with just a few, it never hurts to ask.