I need turtle assistance.

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Okay, so I have two red eared sliders.
They are about 5-5 1/2 inches. The girl is definitely the bigger one. So, my problem is the landing dock I have is too small for the female. The boy can get on it easily, but I need to know where I can get a larger one. Anyone know where I can locate such an item? Thanks for any help. Hope someone else owns a turtle. :/
I used to own a painted turtle. She got to be huge so I had to give her to the herp. society. Questions are.... how big of a tank do you have, and how crafty are you?

If you go to homedepot, ask someone to show you where plexiglass is. They should be able to cut it for you, or you can just use an electric saw yourself and you need 2 pieces, one large platform piece and a smaller piece that will glue to the platform to make a ramp. Measure the tank.. sheesh.. I should draw a picture for this. Ok, and once you have the plexiglass to the size you need, get some aquarium sealant. Found at petco or petsmart. It is waterproof and nontoxic to turtles. Also see if you can find some artificial turf or some reptile carpet at the pet store. Use some sealant and glue the turf to the plexiglass so it has a bottom. This will wick away the water and help them dry out while basking. Apply it to the ramp for some grip. I used this in my turtle tank and it worked wonderfully.

You would just then put the Basking light over the platform and the uvb in a rod bulb over the tank.

Of course, blue is water, green is platform
Hmm, I've seen things like this.
OKay, thank you. : D Nice drawing.