I need opinions!

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I love my chinchildren!
Dec 12, 2012
Hi everyone! Okay so, I am posting this just because I really want as many opinions as I can get because I really feel like I can trust the people of this forum to help me out and give me good advice.

I have two male chinchillas, they are a bonded pair and I have had them for about 6 months now. I LOVE them and I was so lucky to have found them. A little info on their personalities: they NEVER fight, they have never barked at me or bitten me, they don't get scared by anything, not even moving or the vacuum when I clean their cage. Neither one of them seems dominant, they are very very similar, one of them is just a bit more adventurous while the other likes to spend his time hopping around on me during play time.

NOW here comes the part that I need opinions on. I found a craigslist ad in my area for two male chins that have been living together in a small, single level cage with newspaper bedding :( dust baths permanently in the cage, and a death ball. The owner is moving and needs to get rid of them and since my chins are male as well, I sent the owner an email. I know that intros can be very hard and there needs to be a 30 day quarantine and everything, but I just want to know what you guys think.

I hate to see chins living in such conditions and I really want to help them, but not necessarily if it is going to upset my two boys. I am totally willing to get a new cage and keep them separate forever (although they would be in the same room) but I would love it if they could eventually all be together.

I guess what I want to know is:

1) what do you think, would you personally rather not risk upsetting the current balance while knowing these chins are in poor conditions and may go to a new owner who doesnt know much about chins, or take them in and do what you need to do to work it out?

2) IF i take them in would you try to introduce them or would you just keep them separate forever

3) IF you think you would try to introduce them HOW would you do it? one at a time? at play time? switch cages for a few days?

I am totally open to any and all suggestions, I just want to make sure that I am doing the best things for ALL parties involved.

Thanks in advance :) so glad I have you guys to turn to
Due to my experiences, I always strongly caution against introducing a new chin to an already bonded pair. In my experience they just don't do well. Introducing a new chin to a bonded pair can cause that pair to fight, resulting in all single chins. I have also had trios/quads start fighting after being okay together for awhile in a couple instances.

I have had the best luck with pairs and that's all that I have now and ever will have. I also have 2 singletons- one that wants to eat anything that resembles a chin, and one that is scared of anything that resembles a chin.

Just to put it out there, I have also had a chin attack and kill his cage mate because new chins were introduced to the room their cage was in. The sight/sound/smell alone of new chins caused him to snap and attack his cage mate that he had been with for over a year, so there's always that possibility too. Then again, there's breeders that are adding new chins to their breeding rooms all the time. It really just depends on the chins.
I too do NOT recommend adding 1 or more chins to an existing male pair - there is very often real trouble when you do. It would be better if you got the new males and put them in a decent cage and leave them there. So you would have 2 cages of chins
I just went through something fairly similar. I had 2 males, bonded for 3+years, they are father and son, never fought, got along great. We rescued another male chin, Dale. He lived in a separate cage next to our other boys. Father and son started fighting out of the blue one night and haven't gotten along since. Now the son and Dale are in a cage together and the dad is on his own. We got very lucky that we were able to put the two together, but are ready to separate if necessary. If you get the other 2 boys you should be prepared to have 4 separate cages just in case.
I have a question along these lines, is it easier to bond 3 males if it's done at the same time? Or are males just in general better as pairs? If they can't live together, do they sometimes still get along when playing together?
Thanks for the responses guys, Becky and Stacie, that is one of the things I am worried about. I have read the stories about just having another chinchilla in the same room causing a bonded pair to fight. I cannot imagine Buddah and Bubba fighting because they have never even remotely shown any signs of dominance or aggression towards anything before but I still worry. I am wondering if it is more common for that to happen or if it is more common for chins to be able to be in the same room and everything being fine?

I just know that the guy who is getting rid of his chins and I would love to give them a good home. I am planning on getting another two level FN for them (if I get them so I would be willing to keep them in separate cages.

I am so conflicted :(
Nifty we let all three of our boys out for playtime together, but that doesn't always work out. My boys have access to their cages during playtime and about half the time Zoid, the single one, will not leave his cage unless the other 2 are locked up. When he does come out to play they usually all play together fine. We are always supervising though and separate at the first sign of bickering.