I need help with a name

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
Hi, I have a new member to my furry family. She is pictured below and I am just terrible at picking out names so I thought I would ask all you guys for some help. I don't like very common names, or names that are human names. Thanks all.

May be totally random, but her colors remind me of Halloween, and it is coming up soon. So I think Salem is a good name. Kind of going with the "haunting" theme :D
I would go with Isis , the goddess of motherhood and fertility. "Isis is also known as the goddess of simplicity,protecter of the dead and goddess of children from whom all beginnings arose, and was the Lady of bread, of beer, and of green fields." (Wikipedia)
If you want something less "out there," then maybe Sienna. She is a beautiful cat!
I love calicos. Always looks like there is an orange kitty under all that black :)
We had one named Callie a while back.
THose names are great.. YOu guys even picked out some I even thought of, but it's just that when I look at her she doesn't look like any of those names. I mean when I named Angel, I just knew that name fit her, but none of these names just seem to fit her.

As for her personality it's hard to tell because i just got her and she is scared crazy. And for Calli, I can't use that because that's my other calico's name...lol
i was calling my new chin pumpkin so much that i looked it up in my italian dictionary and pumpkin in italian is Zucca, so that is his name!
it did take me a few weeks to name him, so take your time and maybe something will come to you. she sure is a cutie. i am not a huge cat person, but if i ever got one, it would have to be a calico. i even like saying that word.
I am sure you will find a name that suits her perfectly! She is a cutie pie!
the naming thing is soo hard. Our baby girl, who turns 1 on Tuesday, was hard to name. We just called her kitten for a few days. Dave wanted to name her Sam, but that was really not her personality. I ended up thinking I wanted to name her after her beautiful eyes. Found "Neela" which is sapphire/ blue in Indian. Of course, half the time we call her Neenee because it gets her all excited, lol. Lucy the dog came named from her previous owners. Pepper, our second chin, was going to be named Blackberry, from Watership Down, but he really didn't suit the name. Since we already had a Chilli, Pepper seemed a good choice since he was a bit darker on the top of the head. Now that we know him better, Woundwort would have been a better choice, lol. He is such a grouch.

You could use a name from TS Elliot's book-

She sure is a cutie.