you were correct in getting a chin the same gender as Blizzard, and a young chin can be easier to bond with the older one, due to the young chin being young and small.
if you do a search here on the forum using 'introduction' you'll come up with quite a few threads on how people have intro-d their chins.
i myself am in the midst of intro-ing my Rhino and Guss. you will need two cages to begin with (and keep that second cage handy for future illnesses or separation), and your new chin should be quarantined away from Blizzard in a separate room for a month. this allows you to get used to his regular eating/pooping habits, his general demeanor, and to catch and treat any illnesses he may have while keeping Blizzard safe from any potential illnesses. washing hands and changing clothes in between seeing either chin would be a good idea to keep from transferring anything over.
my boys started with cages across the room from each other after Guss was done his quarantine around Oct 10th. after a few days i moved the cages close to each other, about 8 to 10 inches apart. the boys got play times together every couple nights after i saw that they were comfortable with 'the chin next door' (they were sleeping and hanging out on ledges closest to the other cage). the other night i swapped their cages, and neither chin seemed stressed at all (both have been in each others cages for a little bit before this). eventually, once i see them interacting better with each other during play time (we are still in the 'i chase you, now you chase me' phase), i will be scrubbing down the bigger of the two cages, re-arranging everything, and putting both chins in there together and supervising the whole time. i plan to sleep in the chin room for the first week they are together in the cage. I'm probably taking things a lot slower than most people that intro chins, but i want to ensure the bond is strong between Rhino and Guss, and i don't want to rush things by doing the smoosh method (which can create a shaky bond).