I just need a hug... gah.

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
A little background, last June I broke my ankle and had surgery to remove bone chips that were blocking the joint. I started having problems in October with my ankle again and had surgery in March to tighten the ligaments. Everything was healing great, felt really good, started PT a couple weeks ago.

Then I went to Prom 1.5 weeks ago, and something popped while I was dancing... thought it was just scar tissue, but then I told my PT that I couldn't move my last 3 toes up and she immediately called the OS and told him he needed to see me. I still had movement of my first 2 toes. Sure enough, I ruptured the tendon. My OS sent me for an MRI which I had done yesterday afternoon... and he said that unless it shows something more damaged than what he expects, if I can deal with the pain (which wasn't bad at the time) then he would consider not having to do surgery, since I don't really need those toes anyway.

So today I was at the barn, and I rode 2 horses for an hour each (w/o stirrups, since I can't ride with stirrups yet to avoid doing more damage). Nothing happened.... until I was leading a big boned, 16.3hh mare back who decided to JUMP over a puddle, knock into me (we are working on ground manners...) and I tripped as I was getting out of her way, and felt something else pop. So I go home, and look at my foot, and I can't move my second toe up! I only can move my big toe up now... so I'm thinking, great. Now that extensor tendon is ruptured too. Pain is pretty intense right now, and I generally have a good pain tolerance.

I will be going to PT tomorrow and will get her opinions as to whether I should do the surgery or not (at this point it looks like I may) and will be talking with my OS on Tuesday when I see him.

I'm just kind of bummed out right now. My OS commented on what bad luck I have, because my initial injury was really bad, and now this happened... apparently ruptures of the extensor tendon are not very common. I don't want to go through another surgery. I don't have time for another surgery. But I'm not sure I can deal with this pain long term so it looks like I may have to go through surgery again. Dang. This really sucks.
:hug2:Here's a couple of hugs for you...:hug2:

Man, that's REALLY a bummer!!!

If you have the surgery, please be sure to take the time to heal properly, before (as I always call it when I reinjure something) "doing anything stupid".

I know that it's tough to be inconvenienced for weeks, even months at a time, but I've said it once before today on another surgery thread, the best advice my doctor gave me was "You only have one chance to heal properly". Don't rush it -- it's not a race, you don't have to prove how fast you can recover. Let people help you. We women have such a hard time letting anyone else do anything for us, but there are times when it is important that you put yourself first.

Good luck...
:hug2:Here's a couple of hugs for you...:hug2:

Man, that's REALLY a bummer!!!

If you have the surgery, please be sure to take the time to heal properly, before (as I always call it when I reinjure something) "doing anything stupid".

I know that it's tough to be inconvenienced for weeks, even months at a time, but I've said it once before today on another surgery thread, the best advice my doctor gave me was "You only have one chance to heal properly". Don't rush it -- it's not a race, you don't have to prove how fast you can recover. Let people help you. We women have such a hard time letting anyone else do anything for us, but there are times when it is important that you put yourself first.

Good luck...

Thanks.... see my thing is, I TRIED to take it easy. I thought I was. I wasn't dancing that hard at prom but I probably shouldn'thave been dancing at all.... My worry was that I would retear something so I purposely took it easy haha.

Apparently the rupture of the extensor tendon is pretty rare, my PT was joking around saying they could do a case study on me haha....I go to see my OS on Tuesday so we'll see what his thoughts are....
Hugs, I am feeling your pain. Literally I am waiting on my OS to schedual my surgery on my ankle for basically the same issue you have.All I can say is take it easy untill you see PT and OS and HOPEFULLY there is a not so invasive way to fix the tendons.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I think I remember reading about you at your dance with someone you really liked. Hopefully that is going good for you *wink*. I hope your doc's news isn't too bad tomorrow, but please make sure you follow any advice given so you don't end up with a wrecked ankle for a lifetime. Best of luck!
oh no! i hope everything goes okay!
i cant imagine what your going though. iv never broken anything, YET..lol
i also remeber reading about your prom trip, and i thought to myself. hopefully nothng else happens... what a bummer, but you will get though it! your strong =D
best wishes! and heal fully and quickly! =]
Well, my OS got the MRI yesterday and called us this morning saying that it was worse than initially thought and that he needs to operate on Monday. He's very worried that since it's already been 2 weeks since this happened, the other tendons could start to go as well from stress being put on them (since my extensor tendon is pretty much shot).

So looks like I have no choice but to have surgery. I'm not very happy about that at the moment... but luckilly I should only be on crutches for 5-7 days and then I will be put into a walking cast.

This is so frustrating... 3rd surgery in less than a year, 2nd surgery in 2 months. Hopefully this is the last of them.
I'm sorry this has all happened! I'll be praying that your surgery goes well and you have a quick, easy recovery! :hug4: