I haven't died!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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<--My sweet girl Gregory
Jan 29, 2009
Washington DC Metro Area
I posted a thread basically identical to this one last year on CnQ.

So that the people I usually talk to regularly know: I'm not dead, I've just been really busy with school and work!

This time of year is always a very busy time at work because we have a conference coming up in May, and this year we also have a smaller meeting one month later in June. School has also been really hectic.

I've been trying to read threads and pop into chat when I can. This madness should be over soon.

I've been missing you guys!
I hear ya! I'm down to my last 3 weeks and it's hectic!

Hope things settle down soon and you can come back to your crazy chin friends :wacko:
Glad to hear! I thought perhaps you were off on some crazy chinchilla trip with Hedgemom (who is also M.I.A.)
Good to hear from you! it's finals time here right now, so I should be off studying......... hahaha...

Hope to see you around more soon!
Everyone gets busy sometimes, and I think everyone on this board totally understands. :D