I have an odd ?

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2011
I have had my chinchilla for three days now and everything has been normal and fine but I woke up this morning and on her liner there was a brown colored, soft, fluffy textured stuff. There was other droppings in there that were perfectly normal so I am wondering why just this little section was like this. Can anyone help?

(I did give her a raisin last night. Her first treat from me and probably from anyone else since she came from a pet store. Could this have caused this temporarily?)
Could you clarify on "soft, fluffy textured stuff"? Excrement? Fur? Vomit? Maybe provide a picture? It's very vague and hard to help.
It could be a change in diet if you're using a different feed. It could be , and is likely, stress (you've only had her for 3 days, sometimes it often takes weeks for them to settle) related from the new environment.
Raisins also aren't healthy for your baby girl, not even as a sometimes treat, for a lot of reasons. Her body isn't built to process sugar. Sugar can lead to bloat which her body can't process and could potentially be fatal, not to mention diabetes. She also can't brush her teeth and it could lead to cavities which would be a devastating loss.
There are a slew of threads on safe treats, but I personally recommend hand feeding her own pellets/hay. She's not going to know a huge difference (treats are really for people to "spoil" their animals), and it means you can bond with her and give her as many as you like without worry about it being bad for her.
I agree with Sunshine.

Treats ARE for us to spoil them, but remember -- anything that YOU hand them personally becomes a treat, just because it is special from you!!! So, even hand-fed pellets are considered a treat...rosehips, apple sticks, a bit of shredded wheat without frosting, all of these are treats.
The brown stuff is probably urine mixed with poop and the raisin probably made her poop soft so it got all mushy. Skip the raisins & try some mini shredded wheat unsugared. I give my boys 1/2 of one most nights.
Oh, I had read somewhere that raisins could be given but only like one in three weeks. Either way, I won't be giving her anymore. I was thinking this had caused it because I would have thought if it was stress of being in a new area it would have occured from the start. It could have been urine mixed with it too, I guess. I am happy to say that it hasn't repeated and everything looks normal. SO no more raisins for her.
well thats good it hasn't repeated :) Other healthier treats are: a cheerio, other kinds of hay that she doesn't get all the time, new toys, alfalfa cube, rolled oats (not quick cook kind!) and of course the treats mentioned above. Have fun with your new chin! Can't wait to see pics!