i have an interview tomorrow!!

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
everyone wish me luck lol
i have an interview tomorrow at a local vet clinic that was just built..this thing is huge and gorgous!!! its for a full time position for kennel aid, yea i know its at the bottom but i love animals so its the job for me!! i need to run away from mcdonalds lol so i hope i get the job
everyone is right about working from the bottom up! im in a different field, but i started as a part-time seamstress.. now i am the wholesale manager of our entire corporate company! if i can work my way up, anyone can. just show them how eager you are to work, and be sure to ask questions!
I went for my interview this morning and they told me if i havent heard from them by tuesday to call them and see if i got the job,
they want to do a interview , but with me working instead, then if i pass that i have to do a 90 day trial period to see if they like me or not lol...ooooo i hope i get the job!!!
it sounds promising!! id call them on monday just to sound extra eager!
thats what i was thinking, to call on monday but i dont want to annoy them lol

trust me... coming from someone who hires people on a monthly basis, its nice/refreshing to have someone actually CARE about getting the job. it isnt annoying, its helpful while making the final decision. ive even had applicants send me thank you cards for the interviews! any little bit helps!