I had a very interesting dream.......

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
Last night I dreamed I was sitting outside playing with my parakeets in their cage. Well, the bottom fell out of the cage and my two parakeets flew off into my yard. I was very upset and I put the cage out in the yard and a dish of birdseed out near it. Well, I got my two parakeets back and the dish of seed also brought in about 6 hamsters, two female guinea pigs and a Scarlet Macaw but the Macaw was a 'mini' one and only the size of a cockatiel. Tunes came over (since we live so close to each other) to see the mini macaw. It was a great dream.
Aw, Carol you couldn't have dreamed of a hunky actor coming over instead of Peggy? :neener:
Pfft she's lying. The reason Peggy showed up was really because Gerard was there having an affair with Carol. Duh...