I got one!

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
WooHoo! :dance3:

After fighting with homemade play pens and enclosed bath rooms, I finally broke down and bought a play pen for my chins! It's only a 16 panel one but the chins don't seem to mind at all!

The only thing I didn't get was the cover because the store didn't have one in stock. But I do believe I can order one online. Until I do that, is there something else I can use to use as cover?
mine cant scale the top, so i leave it open as i am always right there. but a fitted bed sheet would work good too.
I was hoping that my Herby couldn't scale it, but after I got it home today and set her in it, she proved me wrong! I swear she thinks she is Superwoman sometimes! ;)

I am going to try the sheet tonight during play time and see how they all do with the cover on!