I feel...Rather good =)

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Diva Chins

Well, tonight a friend sent me a link to the evil CL, I thought since it was on pets, that it was for a chin. Nope...
Apparently a woman's dog was hit by a driver, she was looking for the man responsible, and someone posted a horrible ad saying they new the woman, her name was Martha, gave her address, her phone number, and said she often did this because she thought it was funny to hurt animals. It didn't sound right to me...So, I called the number. A Martha did answer. I simply said:
"Hey, this is going to be a long story, but you don't know me, I just wanted to know that your personal information is on craigslist, your name, your number, your address, and you're being accused of hitting a dog..."
We started talking. Apparently, this woman has been sitting through Craigslist harassment for months from a woman over Christmas decorations. She'd been in contact with the police trying to file harassment charges, etc. Come to find out, this lady is older (Late 50's.) on disability with a bad heart and about to have surgery on both legs. She kept thanking me over and over and over for telling her, and I told her that if someone did that to me, I'd want the same respect. She's really a sweet lady and I told her if I could find out their e-mail, I'd call her back and let her know.
I feel good that I helped someone out. I just felt like posting this for some reason, heh. She said she couldn't believe I didn't call ranting and raving, and I told her "Well, you know what they say about assuming." She's actually a cool lady.
That is great of you. Some crazy girl did the same to me- not so horrible, but said I had free baby puppies, so I had literally 100s if not 1000s of calls and emails. The police say there is nothing illegal about it. It is true about assuming, and people are just getting petty and stupid online nowadays.
That is nice of you. And I agree, if it happened to me I would want the same respect.
Good for you :) Crazy people have way too much time on their hands.

I'd say. A few years ago some one was calling my great grandma (Sounded like a young teen boy) and leaving VERY filthy messages on her answering machine. They couldn't never figure out who it was.