I broke my chinchillas paw :'(

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Oct 3, 2013

I was cleaning up my clothes and suddenly one of my chinchillas was in front of me i didn't see her and now i broke her front left paw.

Im so scared that she won't be able to use it anymore. will she be fine she will get proper surgery tomorrow but im so scared that she will lose that paw i can litterly move her paw too left and right....
First, stop moving her paw around. It hurts.

Second, has she seen a vet? You said she will have surgery tomorrow but has she actually been to a vet?

Third, put her in a small carrier where she will keep movement to a minimum. The more she moves, the more it hurts. Make sure she is eating, drinking, peeing, and pooping. If you line the carrier with paper towels, you will be better able to monitor how she is doing. It's something I do after surgeries as well.

Lastly, yes, she'll be fine even if she loses a paw. Many people have tripods and they live long and happy lives with three legs. I have had two tripods and they did wonderfully.
She has not been there yet. i know that it hurts i stopped immediately after i saw that.
But because its sunday they can't help me but i can get there tomorrow they said that she will get an x-ray first but they say if you can move her paw she will get surgery thats how they say it sorry for not being clear with that but im in a little panic here :(

she did eat just now. and i will put here in a carrier like you said.
Thank you for your response i really hope she won't lose here little paw :( because of my stupidity i feel so bad right now
Im confused on how you broke her paw. Did you step on her?

If she hasn't been to a vet then it might not be broken, but I'd defiantly take her to see a vet to be sure.

Other than that, I agreed with what tunes said. She'll be fine if she does lose her paw. She might not notice it as much as you will.
Accidents happen to the best of us. You didn't mean to do it and you are getting her taken care of. That's what's important.
Hi all.

Im sorry to say but my chinchilla lost her paw. it was severely broken and they couldn't do anything to safe her paw... i stepped on her little paw.

She is doing fine she has a lot of pain, thats for sure. but she will make it, she is eating fine. and already took a dust bath. not that its much of use because her body is wrapped in bandage to prefent her from biting it the wound open. she is still wobbly because of the anesthesia. but she made it through. she was operated yesterday 27-8-14.
Poor thing, she's in my thoughts.
I haven't had a tripod before, but i'd suggest limiting her jumps/vertical space until she gets used to things. I imagine it takes some getting used to and she'll be awkward at first.