I am having a problem with my chin please help

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Apr 22, 2011
I am having a problem with my chin she is eating her care fresh bedding like food she now has soft stool. I was wondering can eating the care fresh bedding cause this I do not feed her any treats I feed her timothy hay and mazauri pellets what can I do.
I doubt the Carefresh would cause diarrhea. If anything, I would think it would cause the opposite, constipation or a blockage.

Many people have switched from Mazuri because it caused diarrhea. How long has she been on the Mazuri?

Try pulling the pellets for a few days and offering nothing but hay and some acidophilus.
She has been on the mazuri since she was 8 weeks old it was what the breeder I bought her from was feeding her she is now 6 months old. I was wondering would adding pedialyte to her water be ok.
I had this problem frequently when my chins were on Mazuri. I pulled all pellets and fed them only hay for at least 3 days and the issue did clear up. But it would reoccur so I switched them to Nutrena rabbit feed. I would pull the pellets as Peggy said and see if it clears up. If it does but keeps happening then you should consider switching them to a different feed.l
Many breeders in the Midwest switched from Mazuri, to either Manna Pro Premium Rabbit Feed or to Nutrena Premium Rabbit Feed, it all depended what was available to them. People were having unexplained deaths, slow producing females, and my chins have soft stools and didn't look as great as they could. Some of those things can be caused by other stuff, but most breeders switched to either of the feeds I listed and had great results, and so did I. This was a few years back that people had these problems, so things could have definitely changed for the better in the Mazuri food in that time, and it could've also just been the mills in our area. Hope this helps :)