Humping everything

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New member
Jul 3, 2011
lakeland fl
Ok I need some help here. I have only had my chin for 2 months now very first chin so i am new to all of this. I got him when he was 8 weeks old. It started about a week ago i seen him in his cage "attacking" his cuddle buddy in his cage. then when i let him out to play and run around the room he will "attack all of my stuff animals and even my lab. my boyfriend is the one who pointed out that he is actually humping everything. Is this normal? I mean he humps everything after he gets his dust bath its game on LOL just want to know if its normal.
Welcome to chin puberty. He has a cuddle buddy to take his affections out on, but he will use whatever is available. If he is 4 months old now he is a little young for playtime.
By "even your lab" do you mean like your dog? Because a chin should never ever be allowed around a dog, no matter how calm or nice he is. never.
Isabella is right, a dog should never be allowed in the same room as a chin. even one misplaced paw when the dog is walking could be fatal to your chin. and dogs are naturally predators, while chins are prey animals. not a good mix.

as for the humping, perfectly normal. like Gorilla said, welcome to chin puberty! lol. my Rhino is about 18 months old and he still humps like a madman sometimes :rofl:
Chinchy's the same way, and he's especially antsy now that there are girls caged in the same room. It's just part of his charm, lol.
Ok thank you everyone i was kinda worried at first but now i get it. kinda like any other animal when it gets to that age. But Im confused about some saying that Bandit is to young for play time? so he is just suppose to stay in his cage. Even when i would go visit him at the breeders before he was 8 weeks she would let her chins out to play in her bathroom. And yes i did mean a lab and i know what everyone says that he shouldnt be around my chin but i ensure u that he is very well trained hunting dog and he knows that if it lives in the house its not to messed with. My 2 ferrets dont have a cage and they pretty much run the house. they even eat with my lab. but thank you all for the information. Like i said I have never owned a chin before so i need all the info i can get you can only do so much research but its alot different coming from people who actually own ******.
I don't care how well trained he is. Has your dog ever wagged his tail? Because a tail wag can break a chin's ribs. Also the fact that you said he is a hunting dog sent up a major red flag. Hunting dogs have instincts, and no matter how well you train them, the instinct can kick in without any warning. Not to mention there are tons of diseases that dogs can pass on to chins without any warning sign whatsoever. Ferrets are different, because they are also predator animals. Chins are strictly prey in nature.

I understand that you've heard differently from your breeder and other owners, but I urge you to trust the users on this forum more than anyone. Some people on here have been breeding chins for 50+ years. These users have made every mistake imaginable and have the horror stories to tell, so please, learn from their stories and not from your own.

Chins that young should not be having play time. Your breeder is mistaken. When a chin is that young, all their energy and calories need to be saved for growing, and playtime burns them off. You can still have great bonding time with your chin inside the cage until they are old enough to come out.
You say the ferrets don't have a cage, where do you put them when the chin is out? Ferrets have killed chins by pulling them out of the cage even. Recently there has been a thread or two on here about chins being attacked by another animal reaching under a closed door. Even with a towel in place.
My ferrets go out side with the dogs when my chin is out. I know all about what ferrets can do Ive seen it first hand with a wild rabbit that they drug in the house to show me. Was not happy. SO when exactly is it ok for him to come out of his cage? Me and my chin have a good bond now I call his name he comes running to me he will sit on the foot of the bed and watch tv with me and he will even fall asleep in my lap but now he has to stay in his cage?
If he is just sitting with you, or you are holding him, he will be fine. Vigorous exercise, like occurs during playtime or running on a wheel should be avoided until he is at least 6 months old.
Iv had dogs. I currently have 4 ferrets (had 5), and 5 chins. It doesnt matter, never mix them with chins. In cage or out.

Now i get where your coming from. Iv had several dogs, and many many many ferrets. ****, my one ferret even saved my chinchillas life last year (very litteraly). But even so, you cna not intentionaly mix them. It only take one single mistake, and its over. Next time you have a miss step while walking, or drop a peece of food, spill a drink, anything, imagin that being your chin. One mistake, its over. Not worth the risk.

On another note, how many ferrets you have? their jsut as fun to play with as chins lol. Except you can let a ferret have free roam msot of the time when their out to play :D
I know that general wisdom says no play time for young chins. Personally I say keep it conatined to a small area and keep it short. And keep an eye on his weight - if he stops gaining or looses anything cut back and/or stop altogether. but as long as he is gaining well a short play time that's not crazy active, might be OK for some young chins.

As for the dog and ferrets - It's been said. I hope you have heard it.
Not to derail the thread but as a newbie I just want to make sure I'm understanding this right. For chins under 6 months there shouldn't be a wheel in a cage and outside of the cage playtime should either not occur or be heavily restricted. Did I get that right?
Thanks..and 1 more before I stop hijacking the thread. Should the cage be smaller too? IE, if I plan on having a 4 month old in a FN182, should I close off 1 level?