Claire D., I weighed my 9-month chinchilla today and she is 1 pound. I can feel her bones. Her spine feels like bumps the size of cheerios. I can feel all her ribs as well.
Her droppings look normal-black, about 1 centimeter, hard but not dry. She poops all day, at least 250 droppings per day. If she's nervous and in a strange environment she holds it in.
She arrived with the following foods:
Oxbow chinchilla pellets
Chinchilla Daily Diet, brand: All Living Things (sugary treats, sunflower seeds, etc.)
Alfalfa Cookies, Heart Shaped Treats, F.M. Brown's Sons
Sweet Meadow Timothy Hay
Sun-Cured Western Cut Timothy Hay (generic package says not for retail sale)
I got my chinchilla a month ago (July 9th). Her owner said she preferred hay to pellets, and I noticed she did eat a lot more hay than pellets. Three weeks ago I started feeding her Mazuri brand pellets hoping she would eat more, but she likes the Oxbow better. She eats a heaping tablespoon of Oxbow/Mazuri per day normally but some days she won't eat any.
It's difficult to measure hay consumption, but I stuff a 4" diameter hay wire ball with hay per day, and she normally eats most of it so I guess she eats about 1 cup packed hay per day. 2 1/2 weeks ago I gave her a branch of millet which is covered with 1" thick millet about 10" long, so I guess that was about 1 cup of millet seeds. She ate it in half a day. When I gave her a wheat branch (1/4 cup wheat) she ate it in half an hour.
She also loves dried roses but I only gave her one per day till I ran out, and then I ordered whole organic rose hips. Once a week I give her the alfalfa heart-shaped cookies she's used to from her other home. I used to give her a cheerio per day, but since she likes whole grains I no longer feed her cheerios.
I noticed her cage had no wooden chew toys, sticks or any wooden furniture. I assume that's why she chewed all the plastic items. Her cage was filthy so I guess it wasn't changed much.
Her previous owner said my chinchilla was 2 months when she was purchased from PetSmart last February, so I don't know what kind of food she was given there. The woman who sold her to me seemed very glad to get rid of her. When I mentioned it must be sad to leave her pet, she gave me a blank stare, and she said she doesn't have time to care for her, chinchillas are not the right pet for her, and that she might get a dog next.
My worry is should I give my chinchilla more treats which I know she will eat a ton of, but then she won't eat the healthy Oxbow/Mazuri. Also, I read 1 pound is normal weight for a chinchilla but then why is my chinchilla bony if she weighs normal? She's active and alert, and mostly calm in my presence walking up and down my arm, resting on my shoulder, etc. so I don't think she has psychological issues. Maybe she needs more exercise to put on weight.