chins are very susceptible to the human cold virus, and it manifests as a URI (upper respiratory infection) in chins. best to stay away from your chin when you are sick, and have somebody else in the household do the cage cleaning and feeding. if you absolutely must do it yourself, wash well with disinfectant soap and wear a mask. keep the time near the cages to the absolute minimum until you are healthy again.
chins are fine to go without play time. i had a bit of a cold here recently and my boys didn't come out of their cages for about 5 days because i'm the only person in the household able to do chin chores. i did cage cleaning only twice in that span of 5 days, and scrubbed up good and wore a bandana mask during my very short cage cleaning time. the boys didn't suffer at all, and were very happy to have play time once i was feeling better!