huge Testicles !!!????

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New member
Jul 9, 2010
Hi everyone I'm hoping someone can help me out.

I had 2 male chinchillas dropped off at my door tonight and one of them has really big testicles. I'm talking about they are the size of an infant human.
they hang low one is bigger then the other by a lot. He does not seem to be in any pain and I've seen him eat and he bathed he is very active. I would take him to the vet but none are open that deal with pocket pets tomorrow.

Has anyone seen this before??

Thanks Kat
Is there any way you can take a picture? Some chins just have larger testicles, and let them hang down lower than others, so it may just be normal for him.
I have 8 boys here now and 1 has testicles that are very noticeable but he's completely normal. I would also suggest you post a pic or two since you say 1 is larger than the other.