How to weigh babies?????

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"Ellie Mae"
Aug 27, 2010
Brandenburg, KY
OK, I have a digital scale and I weigh Charlie and Inca on it. I know I need to weigh my new babies to make sure they are gaining. How do you weigh a chin that you arent even suppose to hold yet? Will weighing set our bonding progress back (cause it will probably freak Smokey and Bandit out)? Any advice would be great! :hair:
Where did you get the idea that you aren't supposed to hold kits? I handle them from the day they're born. Sometimes while they're still wet if I find them early enough. Just pick them up, put them on the scale, read the weight. Then put them back with their mom. No one will be freaked.
i have the same question because I just don't want to grab Maizy out of her cage. should I be trying to hold her on a daily basis or wait till she comes to me?
Not newborn! Sorry. They are from a breeder and Im currently going through the bonding process. Bandit is the youngest at about 3 months old.
i have the same question because I just don't want to grab Maizy out of her cage. should I be trying to hold her on a daily basis or wait till she comes to me?

I do both. When they're in their cage, and I'm just wanting to pet them I wait for them to approach me. But when I need to take them out, I get down to business and take them out. I take the hidey house out and scoop them as quickly as possible, so it doesn't turn into a scary chase. Most of the time they're really confused about how they just ended up in my hands. I do whatever I needed to, scritch them a bit, then put them back. They'll usually run and hide, then immediately run back to sniff my hands. I've brought home 3 weaned kits this year, and all of them are turning into well socialized young adults. None of them are scared of me, and all come seeking attention.
Thanks Brittany! I think I just needed to hear someone say that it was OK to grab them for this. Surely they'll forgive me!! ;)
Sorry, I assumed kits when you said babies. ^^

But yea, don't be afraid to grab them. If you are, they learn that pretty quick.
awesome! Thanks guys, that is great to know. I will start doing that to get her used to it.

Thanks for asking the question Shooper! :)
Well, it worked, they forgave me! I now have a nice little stepping stair of chin weights...

Bandit- 258 g
Smokey- 420 g
Charlie - 574 g
Inca- 702 g