how to transport chins to playpen

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moment teller two

New member
Aug 8, 2012
Hello, how do you go about transporting three chins to a playpen? Two of them will let me pick them up, but the third will not. Do you think i could train him to go into a carrier? I used to have a room for them to play in, and used a wooden ramp, but know i need a new playtime solution. I was concidering just "fencing" off an area and still useing the ramp, but a pop up playpen would be eaiser. With a pop-up they would just dash off the sides of the ramp and get loose i'm sure.:facepalm: Any ideas? If i bought a fold out pen, i think it would damage the wood floors?
Hey Meg! :wave3:

You can use a carrier, or some people use the dustbath to bring them back and forth. Two of my girls I can catch, but Chelsea always runs into her house. So I scoop up her house from underneath with her in it, and place them both in the playpen.

The ideal situation, of course, is that they be trained to come to you when you open the cage doors. But not all chins will do this, so its best to find a way to get them without chasing them around the cage. I wish Dawn (Ticklechin) would have posted her video of her chins coming when they're called. Its amazing! If I can find it, I'll post it for you.

If you want to get the metal playpen, you can always put a blanket or sheet underneath it, and just shake the dust and poo off outside when the chins are done.
I get all of them out of the cages by picking them up. I'll put 2 in a carrier and carry the 3rd. Only one of mine is real skittish so unless he is the only one I'm transporting, he goes in a carrier (he would squirm out of my hands if he had a chance).