I use Gorilla Wood Glue. The key is that whatever you buy is non-toxic Also, remember to remove as much of the excess glue during the clamping of the pieces as you can. I don't use nails or screws, though I have see some pieces online that have nails, I would not advise it if you have excessive chewers.
we use small tack nails, however we dont have any big chewers, well at least on thier houses. i have also used non toxic wood glue for some ledge & screw issues and it worked with no problem.
We use glue and a brad nail gun for ours. We have some chins that loved rearranging their homes, and would sometimes knock off the houses from the ledges, so we also enforce the houses down to the pine ledges with those small L shaped brackets for added security.
I use 1 1/2" decking screws because they are reusable. I pick them up out of the cage when the chin chews them out and they get used on the next house.
Glue takes too long when you're putting together a dozen or more in a sitting. )
Mine are done with elmer's glue but held together with 1 5/8" wood screws until it dries. Then I remove the screws (which in my construction job were always cursed as 'cheap Chinese $#!%' for their tendency to shed splinters and break) before Crash gets it.
I use Elmer's wood glue and the houses last until the chins destroy them. I would not use screws or nails. I would worry too much about them hitting them with their teeth. I know some people do use them, but I see no need. My chins houses don't fall apart, they get chewed until there is nothing left.
Lol, I was going to ask this exact question today-I have so much wood left over from building my chins cage and he tears apart the grass houses so fast, so it'd be nice to have something that'll last awhile longer! Thank you, chinchillalover, for asking it for me Right now he's stuck in a cardboard saltine box, tearing that apart, until I get this done, so I'm going to move quick. I'll buy him a small roll-a-nest once in awhile to destroy instead