How to get a violet

  • Thread starter chinchas4life888
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Hey I'm just wondering, so your not suppose to breed a violet with a violet because of the lethal factor, so how do you get a violet kit? I feel kind of stupid asking lol but if you breed a violet with a standard don't you just get a standard with a violet carrier? idk
Yes, you do. So, if you get a standard vc and breed that to a violet, you have a 50/50 chance of getting a violet or a standard vc.

There's no rule that says you CAN'T breed violet to violet, but the resulting offspring may be lesser quality.
There is no lethal factor with violet. The only pairings that have a lethal factor are white-white and TOV-TOV. That being said, violets are a newer mutation and are somewhat weaker than the other more established mutes. So to strengthen the mutation you should either breed only top quality violets to each other, or always breed back to a high quality standard violet carrier.
And what they're calling a "lethal factor" just means the eggs won't mature, and are absorbed by the mother, not that you get a dead kit being born.
Silverfall has a good explaination on their intro page, and a chart that you can pick parents and see the expected outcome!
There is not "lethal factor" with violets. What is comes down to with violets and Sapphires is you breed violet to violet, sapphire to sapphire you get crap quality, quickly. And the point of breeding is to improve.

Most mutation if you don't put great quality standards back in you get crap. I know several breeders who don't understand this concept and they get rid of all their standards and breed the mutations. Yes you will get more mutation babies but what is the point if they are poor quality.
I'm not a breeder but it seems all the violets I know, including mine, are smaller that average. Their hair is very silky and not full and plush like a standard. Good advice above.
So even if there is just one pair of two violets, could their first baby be big and beautiful and then their next few babies gradually decreasing in size and beauty? Just wondering thanks!
It doesn't work quite that way. :))

Regardless of color if you have two nice animals that compliment each other you'll get nice babies.

If you have two nice animals that appear to compliment each other but carry undesirable traits, they're going to show up. You may have a litter of three, one nice, one ok, and one little rat looking dude in the same litter. Luck of the draw.

It's all in the genetics. If you really know your lines you can cross violet to violet.

Some of the pet lines I've been seeing lately aren't even violet colored any more. They're more reddish or an off grey color.
I've seen beatiful parents give small babies. When you breed mutation especially, things like that can happen.
I have a gorgeous male out of two violet parents, from a very respected breeder. I'm careful who I pair him with because of that fact - he's a nice looking guy but that doesn't mean he's guaranteed to give me nice looking kits. It's all about smart pairing and having the offspring evaluated on the show table to know what's working and what isn't.