How to get a chin to stop?

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
New Jersey
On of my chinchillas poops everywhere when he's out of the cage, but my other two hardly poop at all. It becomes a pain with the pooping one when hes on my bed, is there anyway for him to stop?
No. Chinchillas cannot control when they poop and I'd worry if he stops. If poop on your bed bothers you I'd find a new place to play.
okay thank you I will just let them play in the playpen and sit in there with them:)
chin poop isn't messy/gross and easy to clean up (as long as the chin is healthy). i let my chinny houseguest poop where she pleases when loose in my room (including my bed) and then just clean it all up when play time is over. no biggie.
Their droppings are so easy to clean up that I just let them plop wherever and then clean up afterwards...but of course it is still feces so I can understand not wanting your chin to go on your bed...seems like a better idea to sit in the playpen with them :)
I throw a flannel sheet over my bed for Little Two Paws to have his playtime. It's easy to clean up.

As was said earlier, chin poo is not gross -- it's like little grains of brown rice. And hey, I'm pretty prissy, and I say, "If I can pick up a chin poo, then you can, too!!!" :thumbsup: