How to deal with the anxiety over fireworks noise?

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
Well, it is that time of year again. 4th of July weekend. And with that comes the noise of fireworks. Trixie seems to tolerate the occasional loud noises OK, but in the 4 years we have had her, this weekend has always been a rough time. Probably because there is so much of the noise. So many communities having displays, all fairly loud. Plus the neighbors who fire them off.
She is not really hard to handle, but she does appear more anxious after the first day or two of noise. Any suggestions on how I can help Trixie get through the weekend without too many meltdowns??
What kind of animal is Trixie? I use Bachs rescue remedy on my dogs any time I think they may have issues, and I think it works great for them. You can pick it up at most GNC stores or organic grocery stores in my area.
Just realised the source of the confusion about what pet I was talking about. thought I was posting in CHIN chat, not chit chat. Sorry. Guess I had better read the words better next time.
I did read the suggested thread, and it did give me good suggestions, thanks.
Trixie, BTW is my only pet. I do not have any other animals.