How to clean wooden ledges?

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im not sure but i think a lot of people use the vinigar and water solution to get most off and sand off what ever stain is left
Tile your wood shelves and no more problem, it will wipe clean and stay looking good a long time!
So far, I've been lucky that my chin doesn't soil her ledges, so I just sand mine down every once in awhile to make sure there's no jagged edges and whatnot.
Depends on how messy they get. I wipe them down with a damp cloth every week when I clean the cage, but I usually only haul everything out and do a full scrub every 4-6 weeks or so. Crash is litter pan trained, so he doesn't pee on his shelves. When I lived with my ex and his chin, though, we did the shelves every 2 weeks b/c Cervantes did a lot of territorial scent marking. With yours being female, I'd take a stab at once a month being sufficient for a hard scrub, unless she sprays a lot.
I just take sandpaper and sand them down when needed. And Idgie doesn't stain her ledges, so I don't need to do it very often.
You can also wipe them down with peroxide. It works really well and it will get the stains out. No sanding needed and peroxide will not harm your chinchilla.