How old untilll they don't fit througt the bars

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
I was just wondering how big kits are untill they fit through the bars of a regular cage? When my kits mother died they were moved to a smaller cage because the cage they were in was destroyed when the cat got Ruby. Now they are in a much smaller cage because my daughter and I worked on fixing the cage. We had to take the hardware cloth and we didn't replace it. I was wondering if my kits could still escape, because the old cage is fixed and it is a little bigger!
Well, I have a huge parrot cage with verticle bars 1-1/2 inches apart. I could not believe it when the chins escaped within 5 minutes. They were about 7 months old. So I covered everything in chicken wire and no escapes until last night, I spotted Jack running across the living room! After several months the wire got pushed and a hole appeared. But I still can not believe Jack got out of that 1-1/2 inch space, he is a average sized adult male.
jeez i think it was a chin revolt last night. so many escapees!. probably depends on the size of the chins and the size of the spacing
Not sure where the kits are now, but I would wait longer than a week to put them back...
Yes she is right, it will take maybe 3 months or more. How big is the biggest wire space opening? How much do the kits weigh? Pics of the cage maybe? You need to completely cover it in wire. They will love the new big cage.